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Register for a MOVIE SCREENING!!!

Bring that awesome light we've literally captured with a camera and then literally project that to an audience.  Spread that light everywhere.  Literally.

How does this work?

Get A License 

Acquire a screening license depending on where you are going to show the movie and whether or not you will be charging for  admissions.

Screen the Film!

Work with our team to put on your show!

Your 4 Easy Steps

1. Setup!

On the form below, choose a movie, date, time, and place to show the film. Venues include: schools, religious institutions, movie theaters, community centers, and recreational facilities.  Wherever you want.

2. Licensing

The producer of the film will contact you.  He will guide you to purchase a screening license.  If you are partnering with a K-12 school or university, be sure to let him/her know. We will provide you a copy of the film to play at your event.

3. Promote

Get the word out!  Invite your classmates, friends, family, colleagues, and all the other people you do shenanigans with.  We will give you a promoter toolkit to help!


Sit back and enjoy the movie with your community!  Don't forget to take photos and share it to the world.  We have a toolkit to help you out on every step.  Keep it REEL!

Setup Form

Please provide the details we need to process your screening request.

Your request has been submitted!

We will contact you within two business days

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